What Just Happened Here? Minivan Is Suddenly Tossed Into The Air In Japan

A scary dashcam footage has emerged out of Japan that shows a white minivan being propelled off the pavement while driving through a ferocious storm.

According to the description of the video posted on Twitter, the incident happened close to Gifu Park in the town of Gifu, near the city of Nagoya. It shows a white minivan making a right-hand turn when a sudden gush of water fills the screen and the rear end of the vehicle is lifted high off the ground.

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When watching the video for the first time, we were left truly stunned at what we had seen, unable to explain why the minivan was lifted off the ground the way it was. It’s as if it was pulled into the air by a piece of string. However, a bit of digging on social media posts about the video might explain what happened here.

One possible answer is that the storm drain running under the road likely became flooded, leading to a build-up of pressure and water. It appears all this air and water escaped from a manhole cover just before the minivan started to make the right-hand turn. It looks to have then driven directly over the hole and been blown upwards from all the air pressure.

Making the incident all the more weird is the fact that, just as the minivan is lifted off the ground, a ladder flies up out of the manhole cover before falling to the pavement.